Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement
You may submit questions to the CCE/DESE team via the Contact Form. We welcome all questions and are here to support you throughout the planning, designation, and implementation processes. Join the MAICP Portal, and you can post questions to the Community of Practice in the Forum. Also, reach out to the Peer Ambassadors, who are available as a peer resource to applicants.
For a Massachusetts student to participate in an internship outside of Massachusetts, the state in which they would work must allow for it and all labor laws that are pertinent to that state must be followed. This can be a complicated matter, requiring research on the part of the internship coordinator beginning with the pertinent state’s Department of Labor.
The following are useful links to bordering states’ appropriate web sites:
In 2024-25 DESE is developing a process for renewal/redesignation that will leverage information on ICP program performance that is readily available, from the report(s) from the program performance review(s) conducted by AIR, the school’s self-reflections, and enrollment and course taking data submitted via Student Information Management System (SIMS) and Student Course Schedule (SCS). By spring 2025 DESE will share a clear timeline and details on the process.
Industry Recognized Credential
Work-based Learning Plan
Code ‘04’ should be used exclusively for students who are simultaneously enrolled in designated ICP and Early College pathways. Example: subsets of students in the “Full Impact” Early College programs in MA who are also enrolled in ICP should be coded as ’04.’
While we expect LEAs to strive to provide paid internship opportunities for all students, Innovation Career Pathway designees are not required to offer paid internships to students.
Perkins programs (also known as non-Chapter 74 programs) may apply for Innovation Career Pathway designation.
A number of designees have endeavored to set up high-quality virtual capstones or internship experiences. We have developed materials that are specifically supportive of remote work-based learning in the library of resources. Questions about specific internship and capstone structures should be asked on an individual basis.
Innovation Career Pathways must incorporate at least two yearlong-equivalent, college-level courses that may include dual enrollment, AP, IB, PLTW or articulated college credit opportunities. Both Early College and Innovation Career Pathways are intended to provide access to post-secondary education.
Wall-to-wall Chapter 74 schools are not eligible to apply for the Innovation Career Pathway designation. For the most part the Chapter 74 requirements offer the participating student high quality career readiness already. [Vocational technical schools can, however, apply for designation as an Early College program, and will need to show how all Chapter 74 program elements can be met as well.]
Pathways must start no later than in 10th grade, and MyCAP must start no later than 9th grade.
Connecting Activities
Yes. Note that an “Innovation Career Pathway” is distinct from an “innovation school,” as defined in state statute.
Yes. Perkins programs often have that broader characteristic (industry sector alignment), and may lend themselves to ICP designation. Note – to report a student as ICP, the program must have achieved final designation.
No. A student cannot complete more than one ICP program. Students may take courses in other available ICP pathways in their school, if they desire, but they can only complete one Innovation Career Pathway. Note – to report a student as ICP in SIMS, you must select the appropriate industry sector code for each student enrolled, as reflected in the LEA designation.
Alternative schools are welcome to apply. As with all applicants, to receive designation they must satisfy all requirements. Note that completion of MassCore is a requirement for students in Innovation Career Pathways.
An appropriate use of implementation dollars is to support staffing. You’ll want to plan for sustainability of the position(s) beyond the life of the grant.
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